Development Blog
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- By Partidito Admin
- Kategorie: Development Blog
- Zugriffe: 9660
Pendings, pendings everywhere!
Once you started, there is no way back. There are tons of excuses and there is where the real challenge lies. How to overcome all those excuses that my lazy myself creates to keep me lying watching movies or playing awesome video games.
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- By Partidito Admin
- Kategorie: Development Blog
- Zugriffe: 8639
What you can do here in
Create your amateur footballer profile
- Specify your top 3 footballer positions
- Specify if you are a referee too
- Specify your rate per match
- Details
- By Partidito Admin
- Kategorie: Development Blog
- Zugriffe: 7079
This is a test I'm doing to enable the ranking in other devices like mobile (for the Apps I'm developing) and in general RSS feed.
{module World Ranking}
- Details
- By Partidito Admin
- Kategorie: Development Blog
- Zugriffe: 8870
Cold period for
Entrepreneurship is complicated
When you get into the entrepreneurship crazy race, you are your own limit. There is no Christmas, no birthday, no holiday that can stop you to keep going and going. That is a crazy clock race against yourself and sometimes it makes you feel really tired.
- Details
- By Partidito Admin
- Kategorie: Development Blog
- Zugriffe: 7104
This is test of the activity feed seen in RSS
{module Custom Activity Feed}
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