Jonathan Alejandro Henao Montoya
Amateur Footballer located in , . Has been active in the ( community since June 3, 2019.
Footballer location
Region - South America
Country - Colombia
City - Manizales
General Characteristics
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Height: 0
Prefered foot:
Is Referee: No
Footballer Experience
Preferred positions
General Statistics
Part of 2 football teamsIn game statistics
Footballer's Main Three Teams
Equipo Abierto de Colombia
Equipo general abierto de Colombia, para todas las ciudades
Live since 2019-05-03 06:01:16
City - Colombia
Equipo Abierto de Manizales
Equipazo abierto de toda la gente bacana que juega Futbol en Manizales
Live since 2019-06-03 08:49:48
City - Manizales