El Gaucho Atletic

Amateur Football team located in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Has been active in the Partidito.com community since September 8, 2018.

Partidito.com El Gaucho Atletic emblem

Football team located in

Region - South America

Partidito.com Buenos Aires logo

Country - Argentina

Partidito.com Buenos Aires logo

City - Buenos Aires

Partidito.com Buenos Aires logo


Playing as Local

2 football matches of 11 a-side

Playing as Visitor

2 football matches of 11 a-side

Football kickaround meetups

1 chillout football meetups

Team's additional information

This team is open for new footballers

and is made up of 2 Footballers

Partidito.com Amateur Footballer

Team Local statistics

Statistics playing as local football 11 a-side

Ranking points: 0

Ranking points average: 0.0000 per match (Max 3)

Compliance points: 1

Compliance points average: 0.5000 per match (Max 3)

Partidito.com Futbolista Aficionada

Team visitor statistics

Statistics playing as visitor football 11 a-side

Ranking points: 3

Ranking points average: 1.5000 per match (Max 3)

Compliance points: 3

Compliance points average: 1.5000 per match (Max 3)

Partidito.com Futbolista Aficionado